Finish 2020 strong


There’s no doubt about it - our goals for this year changed. Everything we thought we would do and accomplish was thrown out the window and priorities have drastically shifted. 

Even though things look and feel different we are slowly starting to get back to some sort of version of our everyday lives. It may be a good time for you and your team to start thinking about your goals for the last few months of this year and into early 2021.

Go over that list if you have already started one. Things are bound to change again as we head into the late Fall and Winter months. Changing or adapting your goals is something you will have to do. You may feel frustrated but don’t be too hard on yourself. Be mindful of the things you can change and the things that are simply out of your control. 

There is no shame in starting again. 

We encourage you to look at both organizational and individual goals. We revisited our goals this summer and revisit quarterly.

If you didn't finish your book (like I had planned to) or if you didn't land that dream client, reach your revenue targets, or some other planned action there remains time to move toward those goals with a 30, 60 or 90 day plan or challenge.

Start Again. Start Again. Start Again.

30 Day Challenge

While October is almost over, you can still pick a 30-day challenge or decide to start creating that new habit or ritual to lead you into November. In years past, I have completed 30 Day Yoga Challenges and earlier this year I did a no-alcohol challenge. Pick what makes sense, maybe cleaning up your files for an hour or writing out your intentions daily. Do something that will kick-start new routine. 

Pick something on your 2020/2021 list or something new - it can be work-related or personal. Organize your files at home or at the office, clean out those closets or update your resume and Linked In profile. Do something every day towards the end goal. Small tasks daily or blocks of time in your calendar. Create a little mini project plan and you will get it done! Here are some other ideas for 30 Day Challenges if you need a kick-start. Start Again.

60 Day Challenge

For the next 60 days (rest of October and into December) I will be working and creating an online course that I want to launch next year (can you guess what it’s about?). I will also be heads down trying to finalize the manuscript for my long-awaited book Create a Mentor Culture.

Sometimes life gets in the way, family, work and other unexpected events. For me recently the hospitalization of my mom and her ongoing decline with dementia have side-lined a number of projects. I’ve had to take pauses before. (See this blog from when I originally wrote about the 30-60-90 day challenge). Life can sometimes be tough. Sometimes we unravel. Sometimes things need to be put on hold. I had to take a pause. My goal had to be put on hold. It's okay. It's never too late. Start Again.

Use your calendar! Put the big rocks in first - whether it's going to the gym, doing that course work, reading, taking the kids to sports or dance lessons (if they are happening), or simply meditating or relaxing. Whatever that goal is that is helping you reach your dreams, make it a priority. If you have a family, use a calendar for everyone so you know what's on everyone's schedules. It may be a little easier now with the pandemic since we are not as over-booked with activities. That is a bit of a blessing in many ways.

Whether you are constantly pivoting your business goals or working on something completely new, find the techniques in your calendar management that work. Trial and error. Try. Rework. Try Again. Works.

Discover what works for you regarding prioritization and setting aside time in your calendar. Use that if it works. What can you do in the next 60 days that you wanted to achieve in 2020/2021? There is still time, make it happen. Start Again.

90 Day Plan

Apparently it takes 21 days to create a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle. There remains debate on this one. I've attempted some 21 day meditation series a few times, and I always seem to miss a few, but I try. I Start Again. Haven't quite crystallized that into a lifestyle yet. Working on it. Recently I have explored Jay Shetty’s meditations and still enjoy my Calm app daily meditation. Try those or Oprah and Deepak's next 21 day series. These are definitely worth exploring. Getting a 21 day habit to become a lifestyle is a work in progress for many. There are lots of ideas out there.

For the last quarter of 2020, for my 90 day plan what can I do? I am working on the book yet again. It’s come a long way since I first set out to do it in late 2017, but life has shifted many times. And it will come eventually. I’m practising self-compassion a lot this year. The 90 days will also be used for further planning purposes. 

One of the bestselling business books of all time is “The First 90 Days”, by Michael Watkins, which provides a template for newly appointed managers to start out strong. There are numerous resources out there for planning. What about "The Last 90 Days"? Of the fiscal calendar year? Of the year 2020/2021? 

This has been a tough year so it may be even harder to motivate employees if there aren’t incentives or year-end bonuses in the wings. Figure out other ways to motivate through inspirational communication or other appreciation. And maybe some fun challenges!

Finish 2020 strong.

30-60-90 Days.

30-60-90 steps daily toward the goal, the outcome, the dream.

Visualize it.

Plan it out.

Scratch. Rework.

Take Action Now.

#Start Again.

Simply #Start.