Advocating for diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces

(Image credit: Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels)

Every year, the Government of Canada sets a theme for Black History Month. Black Excellence: A Heritage to Celebrate; a Future to Build is an invitation for all to have engaging dialogue and commit to learn more about Black Canadian communities. 

It's also an opportunity to reflect and celebrate the past and present contributions, to embrace our rich cultural tapestry, and work towards a more diverse, equitable and inclusive society. 

Some may ask why we celebrate Black History Month and the accomplishments of Black people in Canada, for only one month of the year.

Others may debate why we celebrate equity deserving groups at all, whether it's during Black History Month, Women's Month, National Indigenous Month, Pride Month, or National AccessAbility Week.

Strides have been made towards more diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces, but there is a long way to go to achieve equality for all.

“Our strength as a people comes from our diversity.”

- Lincoln Alexander

Representation matters 

Regardless of someone's race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or abilities, everyone deserves to be treated with respect and receive the same treatment, access to resources and a chance to excel. 

As leaders, we set the tone for creating a welcoming environment where people can be their authentic selves and feel a sense of belonging.

Recognizing and appreciating our staff for their contributions regularly and not simply because it's a day or month of significance matters.

Those who feel valued and included, are more engaged and committed to their work. 

Have you considered mentoring or coaching an individual on your team, or even going the extra mile to sponsor someone who has demonstrated their potential to grow in their career and into a leadership position? 

Having a diversified workforce at all levels that is representative of the customers and communities you serve, fosters an inclusive work environment, attracts diverse talent, improves retention and creates a culture of innovation and creativity. 

“Creating and managing a diverse workforce is a process, not a destination.”

– R. Roosevelt Thomas, Jr.

Valuing diverse, inclusive and equitable workplaces 

Life Works Well advocates for diverse, equitable and inclusive workplaces where everyone understands the important role they play in advancing their company's mission, vision and values.

Life Works Well is passionate about building relationships with new and scaling organizations to help create healthy, high-performing and heart-centred people strategies.

Reach out for a free consultation to find out about our program offers, check out our free resources, and sign up for a soon-to-be released book Create a Mentor Culture – How to mentor with heart and start a ripple effect.