2021 Reflection and Gratitude

(Image Credit: Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash)

Here I am at the end of the year thinking about the world we are currently navigating. It is so easy to go to the doom and gloom but I choose not to. 

I choose to focus on the fact that I’m still here. I’m still healthy. I’m still living.

And I will do what I believe is best to stay here for a long time!

This doesn’t mean that I do not have compassion for others. There is a lot going on all around the world and I can feel that too.

Yes we’re in the 4th wave (or is it 5th wave) of the pandemic, and it’s looking grim again but I am choosing to find joy in everyday moments. I am choosing to stay positive and optimistic.

If we let go of hope there is no light to guide us. 

As I reflect on 2021, and my word of the year FREEDOM, I realize that’s how I lived this year.

I appreciated the freedom I have. I used my privilege of freedom for good and created the space and mindset that allowed me to be me. 

Free to be ME. Free to simply BE.

Despite the lockdowns, and continued pandemic, I found the freedom in everyday choices and everyday experiences. 

I was free to walk and enjoy the outdoors.

I was free to rest when I needed to.

I was free to smile and say hello to a stranger.

I was free to create. 

I was free to travel when I could.

I was free to laugh, to sing, to dance and to cry if I needed to.

I was free to say No.

I was free to say Hell Yeah!

I was free to give and free to receive.

I cherished my freedom as I realized that without it there is no joy, no laughter and no life.

That’s why I continue to support equity, diversity and inclusion. That’s why I will champion for mentorship. I will continue to support others and help lift them up.

I will continue to work to create a world where everyone has this freedom.

(Image credit: Aaron Burden on Unsplash)

As I reflect back on 2021, I have a lot to be grateful for. 

I am grateful for the wonderful clients and teams I worked with this year. Thank you for believing in me and for the opportunity to contribute to your ongoing vision and dreams. 

I was excited to do some amazing work, like starting EDI coffee chats, hiring wonderful and diverse team members, putting people strategies in place and creating new programs and policies that help create a culture with heart.

I am grateful that I was able to share my knowledge through my mentor circles and give others an opportunity to share their wisdom too.

I am grateful for the Life Works Well team that I worked with in 2021 as we navigated remote onboarding and work. Thanks to Jennifer who I could not have delivered great content without and her creativity and positivity! Wishing Jennifer the best in her new full time role and for training Mohini who recently joined us. And to Caroline and Arshad who helped with HR research, recruiting and client work. We’ve learned and grown together.

I am grateful for the mentees who I helped this year and who gave back to me. I learn from all of you and am blessed to know you.

I am grateful for being part of the West Toronto Chapter of HRPA, and leading the Mentorship program as Chair for the second year. What an incredible team of volunteers!

I am grateful for being part of the Women in Biz Network, led by Leigh Mitchell, and SheEO, led by Vicki Saunders, both making an incredible impact for women entrepreneurs as they work on the World’s To-Do list.

I am grateful for the coaches I worked with, Ariana, and Eleanor at Safi Media, and all of the fantastic women I have met through the Incubator. The support and encouragement is outstanding. 

I am grateful for my accountability partner Amy and her Impact Incubator as she helps me and others move their cares and passion forward. I’ve grown to love our chats and am so happy for your friendship. And my other accountability partner Sheila for her patience as we made our way through the Year of Living Brilliantly with Michael Bungay Stanier. It’s been fun getting to know you!

I am grateful for my wonderful friends, the Golden Girls from highschool and the Law Gals from law school - spending time with you and our enduring friendships are great for the soul.

I am grateful for the Fabulous Book Club girlfriends, as well as my neighborhood lifelong friends whom I met after having children. We all need each other in good times and bad.

I am grateful that I have the means to contribute to charitable organizations that are close to my heart as they make a difference in the lives of others.

But most of all I am grateful for my husband Tim, our children Katie and Cullen, our awesome doggie Joey, my beautiful Mom, my siblings, my wonderful in-laws, our angel on earth and long time caregiver Cora, and our wonderful extended families and friends who are also family. This life is so much better with all of you in it.

(Image Credit: Dallas Reedy on Unsplash)

It’s great to build a business, or work to bring in some money, have all the shiny objects and a beautiful life. And believe me I am extremely grateful for all of that. That will help me contribute to the world as well.

But at the end of the day, it’s about the deep connections we make and the meaningful conversations we have. The love we feel and give. The support we give and the support we receive. The moments we share.

At the end of the day, at the end of this year, this 2021, it’s about feeling like I lived the best version of me, and giving the best way I could.

Because I had the freedom to choose. And the freedom to simply BE.

As I head into 2022, with hope and optimism, I wish for you all that your heart desires and that you may live freely and joyfully.

Life works well when you do! So take good care and I’ll see you in the new year!